Our Exceptional Faculty

Ricardo Daziano
Associate Professor
David Croll Fellow
Address: 305 Hollister Hall
Email: daziano@cornell.edu
Phone: 607-255-2018
Website: daziano.cee.cornell.edu

Oliver Gao
Director of Systems Engineering
Address: 313 Hollister Hall
Email: hg55@cornell.edu
Phone: 607-254-8334

Andrea Ippolito
Senior Lecturer
Address: 205 Hollister Hall
Email: aki2@cornell.edu
Phone: 607-255-5569

Robert Newman
Senior Lecturer
Executive Director, Engineering Management Program
Address: 207 Hollister Hall
Email: rtn24@cornell.edu
Phone: 607-255-6020

Linda Nozick
Director, The School of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Address: 311 Hollister Hall
Email: lkn3@cornell.edu
Phone: 607-255-3406

Patrick Reed
Joseph C. Ford Professor of Engineering
Academic Director, Engineering Management Program
Address: 211 Hollister Hall
Email: pmr82@cornell.edu
Phone: 607-255-2024

Samitha Samaranayake
Assistant Professor
Address: 317 Hollister Hall
Email: samitha@cornell.edu
Phone: 607-255-5785

Dirk Swart
Address: 203 Hollister Hall
Email: dps42@cornell.edu

Francis Vanek
Senior Lecturer
Address: 307 Hollister Hall
Email: fmv3@cornell.edu
Phone: 607-255-2718

Donnell Walton
Adjunct Professor
Email: dtw57@cornell.edu